Red Centre Blog

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Self Education


Gone are the days where the only way of getting an education was sitting in a classroom with 30 classmates for 8 hours a day.

In this week’s blog I talk about free to cheap online educational resources, some of which can even give you and your colleagues a Certificate of Attainment; this is great for not only staff moral it is also fantastic for your business.

Work Related Education courses

Lynda - This is an amazing service that LinkedIn provides its premium members. There are many short and easy to follow courses about everything from dealing with conflict through to becoming a master at Excel.

China Ready and Accredited- This is one of the most fascinating courses that I have ever done. Usually it comes with a cost, however currently Tourism NT are offering to pay for all tourism related businesses in the NT to complete it. You can sign up for it through this link-

The Digital Garage This is a fantastic suite of free courses that are provided by Google to help your business maximise your online presence. It will help with everything from developing your Search Engine Optimisation Strategy to Paid Advertising, you can find this course here-


Learning a new language can be incredibly challenging, although the benefits to your personal and business life outweigh the difficulties. These two programs are free and help you develop your language skills.

Live Mocha Live Mocha is a course that relies on the network of people from all around the world to correct your responses to certain questions.

Duo Lingo This is an application that you can use on Android and Apple devices, the main reason I like this one is that it is very practical in the way it teaches and it is so convenient to take out your phone and rather than Facebook, refresh your mind and hop on Duo-lingo.

Education done differently If you have spoken with me for longer than 20mins, somewhere in that conversation, I have no doubt brought up a Ted talk, these are bite size talks from Innovative leaders around the world that can inspire, educate or even change your perspective on many topics, from replying to a Spam email to ending world hunger. EDX is a great resource that is a collaboration of many universities and not for-profits from all around the world that provides 1000’s of online courses, generally the course is free however to gain the certificate comes at a nominal fee.


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