Uluru Astro Tours

Yulara Astronomy/Night Sky

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Open Hours: 0900-1700

Star Gazing in Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park, Music touch, Telescope, photography withe the stars and Uluru(weather condition)


Special access to the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park at night. Our astronomy guide will take you on an unforgettable journey with stories and surprises.

Map & Directions

Yulara Tourist Information Centre, 127 Yulara Drive, Yulara, NT 0872,

Cancellation Policy

Full payment of your experience is required at time of booking.
Upon payment you agree to and accept Uluru Astro Tour’s Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy as outlined below.

All tours operated are non-drinking and non-smoking. We reserve the right to refuse those who present intoxicated at the time of checking in.

All children must be actively supervised by a parent or guardian to ensure minimal disruption to other guests. A minimum ratio of 1 adult to 2 children is required.

Tour participants must accept that we are unable to guarantee full clarity ideal skies or visibility of certain objects due to changing weather conditions.

Where the Tour is cancelled by Uluru Astro Tour either prior to or during the tour due to the weather conditions a full refund will be given.

• Periodically tours may be subject to partial cloud cover for some or all of the tour or to full cloud cover for some of the tour. In this event we will continue the tour using the sky which is visible and/or available.

• Uluru Astro Tour reserves the right to cancel or change the duration of the tour in response to weather or environmental conditions.

• Customers are informed that participation in group photos is purely voluntary as these images may be made publicly available through Uluru Astro Tour's website and/or social media pages.

Cancellation Policy

• In the event of rain or poor weather conditions tours may be cancelled by Uluru Astro Tour. A full refund will be issued.

• Refunds will be processed within ten working days whenever possible and will where possible be made in the same form as payment was taken.

• If you made the booking through a booking/travel agent or any other third party for your tour the cancellation policy will follow the agent’s regulation.


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